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Everyone knows that February 14th is officially the most romantic date of the year, but do we know why?
Here are eight Valentines Day facts for you to amaze your loved one with.

  • Long before St Valentine lived, February 14th had strong links with fertility. The date traditionally is known for when birds choose their mates.

  • February 15th was the date of the Roman festival of Lupercalia – the Wolf – where young men held a lottery to decide which girl would be theirs.

  • In Medieval times, girls ate unusual foods on St Valentine’s Day to make them dream of their future husband.

  • In the Middle Ages, they also believed that the first unmarried person of the opposite sex you met on the morning of St Valentine’s Day, would become your spouse.

  • Elaborate handmade messages, cards and gifts became popular during the 17th century.

  • During the middle of the 17th century even married people took a Valentine – not always their legal ‘other half’!

  • By the 19th century printed Valentine’s cards were on sale and extremely fashionable – in 1825 the Post Office handled more than 200,000 letters more than usual on St Valentine’s Day.

  • No one really knows who St Valentine actually was. There are two men who could be responsible for the traditional association with love and marriage, but the most likely theory is that Valentine was a priest during the reign of Roman Emperor Claudius II.
    The story goes that Emperor Claudius had issued a decree that Roman soldiers were not allowed to marry – because marriage would inhibit their ability to fight.
    But romantic Valentine continued to marry soldiers in secret, until eventually his clandestine activities were discovered and he was jailed. Before being beheaded he fell in love with his jailer’s daughter, for whom he left a note signed ‘Your Valentine’ before he was led away to his death.


So how does that look!!!??? Are all your new year resolutions to loose weight going down the drain???!!! hihihi….. just kidding!!!!! 😉

Forget the low cal food and indulge into rich delicious foods with your family and loved ones in this season of LOVE!!!!!

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